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Writer's picturePaisa Nurture

Focus on Importance of Emergency Funds

Emergency Funds
Emergency Funds

Story "The Rice and Dal Containers"

Certainly! Let me weave a tale that takes us back to the olden days in India, where resourcefulness and wisdom were woven into everyday life.

My mother was known for her practical approach to life and her ability to stretch every rupee to its fullest. Times were tough, and money was scarce. My mother knew that unexpected expenses could strike at any moment. So, she devised a clever plan to create an emergency fund without anyone suspecting. She called it her “secret stash.”

Every month, when she received money from dad to take care of family groceries and other expenses, she would set aside a small portion. She’d carefully fold the currency notes and tuck them away inside two special containers—one filled with rice and the other with dal.

My brothers and me often wondered why my mother kept money in these containers and asked, “Amma, why not keep the money in a proper bank? Or hide it under the mattress?”

Her eyes twinkling with wisdom. “My dear children,” she said, “these containers hold more than just money. They hold our hopes, our dreams, and our resilience. When times are tough, we dip into them—not just for ourselves but for each other.”

And so, the rice and dal containers became more than mere vessels. They became symbols of love, trust, and preparedness. Whenever an emergency arose—a sudden illness, a broken roof, or an unexpected school fee—My mother would quietly retrieve some notes from the containers.

We grew up knowing about the secret stash. They learned the value of saving, of planning for the rainy days. My mom taught that emergencies didn’t always announce their arrival; they could sneak in like a monsoon storm or a hungry stomach.

From Joint to Nuclear: A Shift in Family Dynamics

Fortunately, I lived in joint family till my 30s. When emergencies struck, the joint family rallied together. If a child fell ill, the aunts brewed herbal concoctions. If the roof leaked during monsoons, uncles climbed ladders, patching it with laughter and stories. Financial crises were tackled collectively—Dad dipping into the family savings, the elders nodding in agreement, and the youngster's learning resilience.

But as the years flowed like a monsoon river, changes seeped into the fabric of the our lives. The nuclear family concept tiptoed in, like a shy guest at a grand feast. The uncles and aunts moved away, seeking jobs in distant cities. Cousins became pen pals, their laughter fading into memories. The once-bustling courtyard now echoed solitude.

In today’s urban landscape, nuclear families thrive. A couple, their children. The rice and dal containers of old now hold not just grains but also aspirations. Emergency funds are tucked away in bank accounts, not brass vessels.

Focus on Challenges and Adaptations:

Financial Planning:

Each member fends for themselves. Estate planning, insurance, and retirement funds are essential. My mantle now rests on my shoulders.

Emotional Support:

While nuclear families offer privacy, they lack the warmth of joint setups. Friends become surrogate siblings, and neighbors fill the role of aunts and uncles.

Healthcare and Emergencies:

Medical crises demand swift action. Nuclear families rely on hospitals, insurance, and emergency funds. The joint family’s healing touch is missed.

Maintaining an emergency fund:

Certainly! Maintaining an emergency fund is a prudent financial practice. Whether you calculate it based on six months of income or minimum expenses, having a safety net ensures you’re prepared for unexpected situations. Let’s break it down:

Six Months of Income:

This approach involves saving an amount equivalent to your six months’ worth of income.

Calculate your monthly income (after taxes) and multiply it by six. That total becomes your target emergency fund.

Minimum Expenses:

Alternatively, consider your essential monthly expenses—things like rent/mortgage, groceries, utilities, insurance, and loan payments. Multiply this total by six to determine the minimum emergency fund needed.

Why Is It Important?

Job Loss: If you lose your job, having an emergency fund buys you time to find a new one without financial stress.

Health Emergencies:

Medical bills can be hefty. An emergency fund covers unexpected health expenses.

Car Repairs, Home Repairs, and More: Life throws curveballs—a broken car, a leaking roof, or a sudden appliance breakdown. An emergency fund handles these surprises.

Remember, consistency matters. Start small if needed, but build your emergency fund over time. Keep it separate from your regular savings, and resist the temptation to dip into it for non-emergencies.

Avoiding Debt Traps:

Debt can accumulate quickly, leading to high interest payments and financial stress. An emergency fund acts as a safety net, preventing you from falling into a debt spiral.

Refilling and Rebuilding:

When you dip into your emergency fund, it’s like using a parachute during a free fall.

Once the crisis is over and you’re back on track, make it a priority to refill your emergency fund. Regular contributions ensure that it’s ready for the next unexpected twist in your journey.

Please focus on building emergency funds. That brings a question on where to park emergency funds.

Choosing where to park your emergency funds is crucial for both safety and growth. Let’s explore some options:

Traditional Savings Account:

Pros: Easily accessible, no lock-in period.

Cons: Low interest rates (typically around 4%).

Use: Keep a small portion here for immediate needs.

Fixed Deposits (FDs):

Pros: Higher interest rates (around 6% or more), especially for longer tenures.

Cons: Locked-in period; breaking an FD results in loss of interest.

Liquid Mutual Funds:

Pros: Offers better returns (around 8% or more) than savings accounts or FDs.

Use: Opt for liquid funds—they allow quick withdrawals (usually within 2 working days) without penalties.

Especially if you would like to SIP a standard amount every month. This is the best option.

Other RBI Regulated Product:

Pros: Provides 8% fixed return without any locking. You can withdraw money any time and yet get pro rated interests.

Cons: Slightly higher risk than fixed deposits, yet a great instrument to consider to park the money.

Please Contact Us, if you would like to start building your emergency funds, which will bring in more confidence to invest in high return investments.

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